作者:评价网 来源:评价网 发布时间:2011-08-22 11:56


 35.what is the essential element in the dynamics of socialinfluence?

  [A]The eagerness to be accepted

  [B]The impulse to influence others

  [C]The readiness to be influenced

  [D]The inclination to rely on others

  这题很有意思,关键词essentialelement, thedynamics of social influence,定位就最后一段,总共才两句话,那就都看了吧,很快,因为有 principalrequirement 与essentialelement同意,我们发现这句话是关键Our workshows that the principal requirement for what we call “global cascades”- thewidespread propagation of influence through networks - is the presence not of afew influentials but, rather, of a critical mass of easily influenced people.这句话读起来难度看似颇大,但只要你会分析成分,就不过如此了,分析道最后我们简化成这样一句话 theprincipal requirement is  rather, of a critical mass of easilyinfluenced people。答案出来了,那就是easilyinfluenced people,看选项,是c无疑了,因为注意people是被影响的,别自作聪明给搞反了。

  36. Bankers complained that they were forced to

  [A] follow unfavorable asset evaluation rules

  [B]collect payments from third parties

  [C]cooperate with the price managers

  [D]reevaluate some of their assets.

  关键词, Bankerscomplained,they wereforced,定位 Theirrules, moan the banks, have forced them to report enormous losses, and it’sjust not fair. 并不长,可是因为 moanthe banks的出现,当年立马就弄晕了我(惭愧啊),不过大家可不能晕啊,要吸取我的教训,平时要多掌握些英文的习惯表达方式,好,最后这句话就简化为 , thebanks  moan,theirrules have forced them to report enormous losses。答案就是a无疑了,bcd还是要看的,不过唯一有难度的选项是d,d的话,错的原因是可能是与a相比,a更符合吧,大家仁者见仁智者见智吧。

[发布者:yezi ]
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