来源:沪江英语网 发布时间:2012-01-05 16:10

Never expect others to respond to your needs. People may sympathize but helping you is not their responsibility. The only way to make connections is to care about the needs of others first. Ask how they’re doing. Ask what could help them.

不要期望别人在乎你的需求。 人们或许会很同情,但是帮助你不是他们的责任。与人交往,从关心别人的需求开始。询问他们的近况,并在需要时伸出援手。

Care about others first; then, and only then, will they truly care back.


3. Take the shotgun approach.


Some people network with anyone, tossing out business cards like confetti. Networking isn’t a numbers game. Find someone you can help, determine whether they might (someday) be able to help you, and then approach them on your own terms. (according to the conditions that you decide)

有些人交朋友就像天女散花一样。 与人交往,不是靠量取胜。 把目标放在你能提供帮助的人上面, 判断他们对你是否(将来)对你有用, 再根据你的分析去接近他们。

Always select the people you want to network with. And keep your list relatively small, because there is no way to build meaningful connections with dozens or hundreds of people.


4. Assume tools create connections.


Twitter followers, Facebook friends, and LinkedIn connections are great—if you do something with those connections. In all likelihood your Twitter followers aren’t reading your tweets. Your Facebook friends rarely visit your page. Your LinkedIn connections aren’t checking your updates.

在推特上有粉丝,在脸谱网上有好友,在关系网上有联络,这些挺好—如果你能够很好的利用的话。 但是十有八九,你推特上的粉丝不会阅读你的状态,脸谱上的好友也不会来访你的主页,关系网的连接对你的近况也没有兴趣。

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