发布时间:2014-04-10 10:29

4. Dr Ross Geller – Friends; Subject: Palaeontology


Having ‘given up a career in basketball to become a Palaeontologist’, Ross takes a job at New York University. He is described by one of his students as ‘the hottie of the Palaeontology department’ – a student he subsequently ends up dating. He is so nervous on his first day teaching that he adopts a fake British accent, which he then has to phase out – for comic value Ross would surely be a great real life professor.


5. Professor Robert Langdon – Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code and others; Subject: Symbology and Religious Iconology

罗伯特·兰登教授—丹·布朗的《达·芬奇密码》和相关作品; 科目:宗教符号学

Yet another professor who finds himself dashing across the globe, but in Langdon's case, in an attempt to solve a series of complex symbols. However, when he isn’t running around beautiful cities, he lectures at Harvard University and can be seen wearing Harris Tweed, loafers and a Mickey Mouse watch.

又一位足迹遍布世界的教授,不过兰登教授是为了要破解一系列复杂的符号。然而, 当他不在众多美丽的城市奔波的时候,你会在哈佛大学看到他身穿哈里斯牌粗花呢,脚着懒人拖,戴着米老鼠手表上课。

6. Professor Julius Kelp/ Professor Sherman Klump – The Nutty Professor; Subject: Science


The lovable fictional face of science, Professor Julius Kelp (aka The Nutty Professor) was originally portrayed in 1963 by Jerry Lewis; however the film was remade in 1996 with Eddie Murphy playing Professor Sherman Klump. In an attempt to win over the girl he likes, the Nutty Professor invents a serum that turns him into a better looking, yet arrogant individual – luckily, he eventually learns to be happy with who he is.


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