3. VALLE DE VIÑALES 3. 比尼亚莱斯山谷(古巴) That Cuba has come in from the cold is not news, but most people’s knowledge of the country extends no further than crumbling but cool Havana and the beaches of Varadero. To see a lesser-known side of Cuba, head to the heartland of Valle de Viñales, where farmers’ oxen still plough the Unesco-listed landscape. 古巴走出孤立早已不是什么新闻了,不过人们对它的印象还局限于破旧却酷劲十足的哈瓦那和拥有绝色沙滩的瓦拉德罗。想要看到古巴不为人知的一面,那就去比尼亚莱斯山谷吧,当地农民还在用牛耕种这片被联合国教科文组织列为文化遗产的景点呢。 |
[发布者:yezi] | ||
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