为会议做好准备 4. Always be prepared for meetings 4.永远为会议做好准备 The first several meetings you were invited to probably felt more exciting and special than the ones you attend now, though that's not a good enough reason to show up unprepared. It's easy to fall into the habit of "winging it" at meetings, arriving without ideas to contribute or reviewing any materials. Not only is this disrespectful to the person who called the meeting, but it slows down the productivity of the meeting as well. 你人生中头几次被邀请参加会议的心情可能比你现在接受邀请激动很多,但这并不能成为我们没有准备就出席会议的理由。出席会议之前什么想法和资料都不事先准备是很容易养成的习惯。这种习惯不但是对会议召集者的不尊重,更会拖慢整个会议的进展,影响最后的讨论成果。 推荐阅读:白骨精Office口语笔记8-开会是个技术活 When you first began working, you likely felt an urge to prove your worth, so you went over the materials, came prepared with thoughts or ideas and contributed to the meeting in any way you could. Such a helpful attitude only makes you look better as time goes on. Don't fall for the misconception that experience means you don't have to try as hard. 当你刚开始工作的时候,你非常想证明自己。所以在会前,你会认真地阅读材料,积极准备自己的想法,期待给会议带来不一样的思想。这样的想法只有坚持下去,才会让你取得真正的成功。不要以为有一天你已经足够优秀,不需要再努力了。 |
[发布者:yezi] | ||
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