What employers are looking for obviously varies from job to job, but many businesses like hiring recent graduates for one or more of the following reasons. Remember these advantages when putting together your resume and preparing for interviews. 职业的不同,老板需要的员工也不尽相同。但很多公司喜欢以下列原因聘请应届生。记着把这些优点写进简历,好好为面试做准备吧。 1.You Understand a Valuable Demographic That Is Hard to Reach 1.你了解同龄人的想法 Nearly all businesses and non-profit organizations want to capture the attention and wallets of the consumer demographic you belong to, 18- to 24-year-olds. But they often struggle to understand the demographic’s mindset, motivations, purchasing behaviors, and communication styles. Having someone like you who’s in the demographic can help the company to design products, craft messaging, and deliver delightful customer experiences to this important target audience. 基本上所有的公司以及非营利组织都希望吸引18至24岁客户的眼球和钱包。但是他们往往不了解这个年龄段的人到底在想些什么,想要什么,有什么购买习惯以及交流方式。有你这个年龄段的员工,可以帮助公司设计产品,编写信息,以及给重要的目标客户传达有用的客户体验。 2.Technology and Social Media Is Part of Your DNA 2.熟悉技术和社交媒体 Businesses want to reach prospects, customers, employees, and vendors through technology. Senior execs realize that there is untapped potential in Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Yelp, mobile apps, etc. But they may not know the most effective ways to use these tools. As someone who has most likely grown up with computers and other technology, you intuitively grasp how to use things like social media that can confuse older generations. 公司都希望通过科技来满足客户、员工以及卖家的期望。老员工意识到facebook,推特,pinterest,yelp以及手机app这一系列的平台有着无尽的潜力,但是他们并不知道如何有效地利用它们。但对于你这样在电脑和科技中长大的年轻人来说,如何利用这些传媒的运作几乎是你的本能,而老员工却对这些爱莫能助。 3.You Are Willing to Take Risks 3.你愿意冒险 As businesses innovate and experiment with new ways of doing business, they need team members who are eager to contribute and willing to take on projects with uncertain outcomes. The ability to learn from failure is particularly valuable. 当公司准备开拓和尝试新的运营方法时,他们需要有奉献精神的团队来承担一些收入未知但风险较大的项目。即使失败了,若能够从中吸取教训,也是十分难得的。 4.You Are a Blank Slate in Terms of Company Knowledge 4.对于公司的知识来说,你就说一张白纸 Many managers prefer to hire people who they can shape to thrive in a unique environment. In the past, they may have become frustrated with seemingly qualified employees who were too bound to standard industry practices and business models. Your lack of experience means that you can easily adopt your new employer’s way of doing business. 很多经理都希望雇佣那些能轻易塑造的人才以便适应不同的环境。过去,他们对那些看起来老资历的员工感到十分头疼,这些人都被产业的规则和公司模式限制得太死,毫无改变的余地了。然而对于缺乏经验的你而言,可以轻易地适应新老板处理事物的方式。 5.You Aren’t Afraid to Ask Questions 5.你不怕问问题 Long-time employees may think that asking questions reveals inadequacies, so they often keep quiet. And when you ask questions, your boss generally really appreciates it. Asking questions demonstrates you are eager to learn, have wrestled with an issue (rather than ignoring it), desire to have a deep understanding. 大部分员工都觉得问问题就表明自己某方面有不足,所以宁愿保持沉默。但当你问问题的时候,老板通常会很赞赏。问问题就表明你愿意学习,真的重视这个问题(而没有忽略它),希望能有更深的理解。 6.Travel Is Exciting to You 6.你热爱到处走走 Many entry-level positions involve extensive travel. Such jobs may require long hours in the field not only during the typical workweek but also on the weekend. Further, there may be an expectation that you show enthusiasm and effectively represent the company to consumers, vendors, and colleagues on these visits. When you're young (and likely haven't started a family yet), traveling is a lot easier and more likely to be seen as a fun adventure rather than an inconvenience. 很多初级部门的员工都需要出差。这也许会要求你花大量的时间到处奔波,不仅工作日,周末也是如此。并且公司还会希望你能对客户,买家以及同事给予最大的热情。年轻的时候(还没成家),出差很方便。而且出差对于你来说,似乎更多的是冒险的好机会而不是麻烦事。 7.Relocation Is Not a Problem 7.换职位也没问题 Employers may have difficulty attracting employees to certain locations. Hiring managers may have tried to extend job offers that were rejected because candidates did not want to uproot themselves and their families. As a new grad, you may be more likely to move for a decent opportunity. Plus, you can accept changing locales multiple times early in your career to gain valuable experiences. 老板们总会对把员工放在哪个岗位上感到十分头疼。当员工不愿与家人分开而拒绝工作邀请时,老板便不得不放宽限制。作为一名新人,你要表现出对机会的渴望,并且愿意接受任何职位的变动来获得更多的经验。 8.You Are Passionate About Work 8.你对工作十分热情 Employers want employees who love their jobs. Self-motivated people who find meaning in their work are generally productive, supportive of coworkers, and promote workplace harmony. 老板都希望自己的员工热爱工作。那些能在工作中找到意义的自觉员工总是十分的高效,帮助同事以及促进和谐。 9.You Are a Bargain 9.你很便宜 In times of recession and recovery alike, companies are cautious about spending. Though many organizations are willing to pay top dollar for the best talent with a history of successes, some are hesitant to overburden their budgets with payroll expenses. You may be attractive to companies who want capable employees but don’t have a lot of extra cash. As a new grad, you may be more likely to accept a lower-than-average salary in order to gain experience and exposure to clients in your field. 在萧条或者恢复时期,公司会很担心开销。尽管很多公司愿意给那些有着成功经验的顶级人才最高的薪水,但还是不得不担忧这会超出薪资预算。对老板来说,他们希望得到有能力的员工,你对他们也具有足够的吸引力,但他们没有足够的钱请你。作为一个新人,你可以接受低于平均水平的工资来积累经验,向客户充分地展示自己。 10.Your Knowledge Is Fresh and Up-to-Date 10.你的知识更新快且与时俱进 Hiring managers may welcome a recent grad as a cost-effective way to bring up-to-date knowledge to their businesses. Fresh out of school, you've likely been studying the newest practices in your field, possibly with prominent research professors. 雇佣者希望聘请那些能将最新的知识带到自己公司来的应届生。刚从学校出来,你掌握着自己专业最新的东西,甚至和顶尖的科研教授合作过。 11.You Are Primed to Learn All Aspects of the Business 11.你希望学到公司的一切 You just came out of college — a concentrated period of time when you were exploring all aspects of your course of study. That means that when you enter the workplace, you’re primed to learn all aspects of the business, whether or not they’re directly relevant to the task at hand. 你刚毕业-期间集中精力完成了自己的学业。这就意味着当你进入工作岗位,你也要学习公司的各个方面,无论这些和你手上的任务是否相关。 12.You're Good at Multitasking 12.你能同时处理多项任务 About that aforementioned versatility... employers often need someone who can handle multiple tasks at once and move among assignments as needed. Most employees must maintain a strong focus on their areas of accountability in order to meet both company performance requirements and career goals. You just spent years of college learning how to multitask and prioritize —balancing different classes and subjects, extracurricular activities, and probably living on your own for the first time. 关于前面提到的多功能性,老板也需要那些能同时处理多项任务的员工,能在各项任务之间游刃有余。大部分员工都必须集中精力对自己领域保持高度责任感来满足公司的需要和要求以及职业的目标。你刚刚在学校毕业,已经学习过如何同时处理多项任务,知道轻重差别-权衡不同课程和学科,以及业余活动,这对你不是问题。 13.You Are a Fountain of New Ideas 13.你有着用不完的新点子 Businesses need people who offer a steady influx of new ideas and question existing methods. You probably have a much different base of reference from your boss — you know about different movies and music, have different hobbies, and know different people —all of which can help you think in different ways. As a result, you can brainstorm and share innovative ideas nearly effortlessly. 公司需要那些能源源不断提供新想法和质疑现有方法的员工。也许你和你的老板有着不同的出发点-你知道不同的电影和音乐,有不同的爱好,认识不同的人-这些都能帮你从其他角度考虑问题。脑力大爆发吧,分享那些创造性的想法。 14.You Are Results-Oriented 14.你必须以结果为导向 Smart companies are moving towards a results only work environment — a system in which employees are evaluated by their productivity instead of the hours they turn in. Employees in this system are flexible go-getters. If a project requires extra hours to finish, you all order a pizza and stay late to do it. But if you finish early, the whole team can take off early and catch a movie. 聪明的公司都是结果导向型的公司,即员工根据绩效而非工作时间来工作。员工的时间十分自由。如果项目需要加班,大家可以一起定个披萨,工作到很晚。但是如果提前完成,整个团队都能早点离开,看一场电影。 15.You Thrive on Change 15.你不怕改变 Adaptability in a fast-changing world is a desirable attribute. Companies must keep up with trends, technology, and more. So many companies especially appreciate employees who not only adapt to, but also embrace change. 我们急需适应这个瞬息万变的世界。公司必须紧跟潮流,科技等。所以很多公司更欣赏那些不仅适应改变还乐于改变的员工。 16.You Are Collaborative 16.你善于合作 Studies have shown that thanks to things like new communication technology and a focus on in-class teamwork, new college graduates are more interested in working together and prepared to collaborate than previous generations. 研究表明,随着新的交际方式出现,以及班级合作的增加,应届生对团队合作更感兴趣,也比以前的应届生更加乐意合作。 17.You Represent the Future 17.你代表着未来 Even when the job market seems tight, don't give up. It's tight for everyone right now. Yeah, you may not have years of experience or tons of contacts. But there are so many great reasons for employers to hire you. You just spent a significant amount of time training in your field. Couple that with some enthusiasm and eagerness to do a good job, and you're a great candidate. 尽管就业形势严峻,也别放弃。大家都不容易。也许你有好几年的经验或成堆的合同,但总有很好的理由让别人雇用你。你花了足够的时间进行专业学习。抱着强大的热情和渴望来做好工作,你会是个很好的员工。 |
[发布者:yezi] | ||