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来源:沪江英语网发布时间:2012-10-31 14:13    


3. “Who is your competition?”


This is a great example of a question that could either make you sound thoughtful … or totally backfire and reveal that you did zero research about the company prior to the interview, says Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter of CareerTrend.net. Before asking any question, determine whether it’s something you could have figured out yourself through a Google search. If it is, a) don’t ask it and b) do that Google search before your interview!

这个问题是把双刃剑,它也许会让你显得考虑周全…也可能带来出其不意的反效果,让用人单位觉得你根本没有事先做好对公司的研究、也丝毫不重视这次面试——来自CareerTrend网站的Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter说道。在问出任何一个问题前,请先自问:这个问题我能不能自己用google找到答案?如果能,那么,请1)千万别问这个问题2)面试前先用google搜一搜!
