[摘要]一提到“吃”,我们就会想到英语中的“eat”。实际上,很多情况下并不需要用“eat”来表达。不同的情况下可以用不同的表达方式来表达“吃”的概念。作为吃货的你,赶快来学学吧。 一提到“吃”,我们就会想到“eat”。实际上,很多情况下并不需要用“eat”来表达。 《红楼梦》中有这样的句子:“你们坐着吃吧,我可去了。”译成英文是:“Sit down and go on with your meal, I’m leaving you.”再有一句“你尝尝罢,好吃得很呢!你林妹妹弱,吃了不消化;不然,他也爱吃。”这句连用了三个“吃”,但英译本中没有一个“eat”,而译成“Go and taste some. It's really delicious. Cousin Dai yu's so delicate, it would give her indigestion. If it were not for that, she’d like some too.” 在《儒林外史》第十一回中有这样一句:“好男不吃分家饭”译做“Good sons don't live on their inheritance.” 现在让我们看下面的例句: I'm ready for some dessert, Dad. You too? 爸爸,我想吃点点心,你也吃点儿吗? Warren didn't speak until he finished his meal. 直到吃完饭华伦才讲话。 They enjoyed a superb curry lunch. 他们吃了一顿极好的咖喱饭。 How about an omelette, or something? 吃点煎蛋卷还是吃点别的? Pug picked at food. 帕格一口一口地吃饭。 Join us for lunch. 和我们一起吃饭吧。 I've never learned to like that stuff. 我一点不喜欢吃那个东西。 I'm not especially fond of raw garlic. 我不怎么爱吃生蒜。 She is much better, she's got an appetite now. 她已好多了,饭也吃得下了。 He takes only vegetarian food. 他是吃素的。 He entertained friends at dinner. 他请朋友们吃饭。 This is a hard way to earn a living. 这碗饭不容易吃。 He has a sweet tooth. 他爱吃甜食。 You are like a toad trying to swallow a swan! 你真是癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉! He went to a wedding feast. 他去吃喜酒了。 What sort of food would you like? 你喜欢吃什么风味的菜? Please help yourself to some more cured meat. 请再吃点腊肉。 通过以上各个例句,可见“吃”并不一定要用eat来表达。在不同的情况下可以用不同的表达方式。 |
[发布者:yezi] | ||
·英语中的“吃”法多种多样 不能总是用EAT
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