情景对话:鼓舞别人 Cheering Someone Up
发布时间:2013-04-03 14:05

情景对话:鼓舞别人 Cheering Someone Up

Eleanor: Isn't it a beautiful day? The sun is shinning; the birds are singing. It's good to be alive!

埃莉诺: 今天天气真好,不是吗?阳光灿烂,鸟儿歌唱。活着真好!

Porter: Okay, Pollyanna, go spread good cheer somewhere else.

波特: 行了,波丽安娜,去其它地方传播你的喜悦吧。

Eleanor: What's wrong with you? You must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed.

埃莉诺: 你怎么了?你肯定是心情不好。

Porter: I'm just having a bad day—no, make that a bad month. Nothing is going my way.

波特: 我今天过得很糟——不,我这个月都过得很糟。没有一件事是称心如意的。

Eleanor: Cheer up! Every cloud has a silver lining and it's no use crying over spilled milk.

埃莉诺: 振作起来!祸兮福所倚,而且抱怨也于事无补。

Porter: Spare me your platitudes, and let me wallow in my own misery.

波特: 省省你的口水吧,我只想沉湎于自己的悲伤中。

Eleanor: I can't do that. If your work isn't going well, then practice makes perfect. You'll just do better next time.

埃莉诺: 我不能坐视不管。要是工作不顺利,勤能补拙。下次你会做得更好。

Porter: It's not my work.

波特: 不是工作的问题。

Eleanor: Is it your girlfriend? If your girlfriend isn't being nice to you then there are plenty of fish in the sea. Don't you see? Whatever the problem is, it's not the end of the world.

埃莉诺: 是因为你女朋友吗?如果你女朋友对你不好,那就不要因为一棵树而放弃整个森林。你难道不明白吗?无论什么问题,都不如世界末日严重。

Porter: My biggest problem right now is easy to fix.

波特: 我现在最大的问题很容易解决。

Eleanor: How?

埃莉诺: 怎么解决?

[Door slams.][关门声。]

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