来源:发布时间:2013-12-16 10:10
Whenever you plan a trip with your friends or family, you have some basic requirements and wishes to get fulfilled at the time if the trip. So, in this process, it’s very natural to make mistakes which you actually should not make. Here are such mistakes and you will also come to know how to avoid them.
10. Good gap between connecting flights
If you are travelling to a long distant foreign country then just make sure you don’t commit this mistake. While the booking the tickets, plan a schedule so that you will have sufficient time to rest between the two flights. If the two flights are between gaps of 30-45 minutes then it will really become difficult for you and your companions to board the second flight on time.
9. Apply for visa in advance
Once you have planned your trip, start preparing your file for the application of the visa. This process takes from 4-6 weeks. Get the information online about the fees and late fees too so that you can take steps accordingly.
8. Know the right location to stay
Choose a place to stay which is near from the tourist spots of the city so that you can save time from travelling and money too. In this way, your trip will be more enjoying.
7. Prioritize things
When you reach a place ask the guide about the most famous tourist spots and prioritize top three to visit in one day. Better is that if you get info with you about the spots in advance.
6. Make yourself clear
While going to the tourist spot make sure that you tell the guide about the places you are interested to visit, your likes and dislikes. Be interactive with him and you will find that you are enjoying the places even more. Be clear and don’t be manipulated at all.
5. Have a proper info about the place
You will find many guide books at the tourist spots. Pick up one and get knowledge from it about the place especially the characteristic features of the spots. This will prevent you from staying blind about various facts about the place. Also you will be confident and interacting with people around there.
4. Making your decision based on photos shown to you
Most of the individuals who go for trips make a mistake that they trust on the photos of the hotels shown to them by the promoters of the hotels. In order to get the real picture, you should see online websites which provide real pictures and reviews of the hotels posted by the visitors themselves.
3. Read the agreement thoroughly
Many a times, tourists are not able to afford hotels. So many local people rent their house for a few days and charge for that. While signing agreement for the stay read every line carefully.
2. Choose a proper plan
Choose a balance between travelling expenses and hotel costs so that you don’t end up spending lots of money.
1. Manage time
Make sure that you don’t waste your time there. Also don’t get trapped in so called free lunch as there is nothing such.
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