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教你如何用英语表达真挚爱意:Words of Love(3)
发布时间:2014-03-20 10:16


affair - A romantic or sexual relationship between two people. Ex. Our relationship is a great love affair.

courtship - Dating. The act of a man seeking affection from a woman, usually resulting in marriage. Ex. Our courtship was intense and full of passion.

excitement - To arouse strong feeling in. Ex. You excite me.

exotic - Exciting, different. From another part of the world. Ex. She's intriguing and exoitc.

fantasy - A fictitious, exciting, creative idea. Ex. You came from my fantasy.

fling - An affair or short relationship. Ex. Our relationship started with a brief fling.

flirtation - Playful behavior intended to arouse sexual interest. Ex. She's such a flirt.

hanky-panky - Illicit sexual activity. Ex. Let's have some hanky-panky.

intrigue - A clandestine love affair. To arrouse curiousity. Ex. I am intrigued by you.

love story - A story dealing with love. Ex. Our relationship is a true love story.

relationship - A romantic or sexual connection between two people.

rendezvous - A meeting at a prearranged time and place. Ex. Let's have a mid-afternoon rendezvous.

romance - A love affair. An attachment or involvement between two people.


arousing - To stimulate sexual desire in. Ex. You arouse me.

erotic - Tending to arouse sexual desire.

gorgeous - Extremely beautiful; having great beauty.

kissable - Open to affection. Easily to kiss, or touch lightly or gently with the lips. Ex. You are very kissable.

luscious - Having strong sensual or sexual appeal; seductive. Ex. I was attracted to her sensuality and luciousness.

racy - Suggestive of sexual impropriety. Ex. Her lingerie is racy.

risqué - Suggestive of sexual impropriety. Ex. She's racy and risqué.

seductive - Tending to seduce; alluring. Ex. He has a seductive voice.

sensual - Suggesting sexuality; voluptuous. Ex. Light the candles for a sensual evening.

sensuous - Enjoys the pleasures of sensation. Ex. She is sensuous in bed.

spicy - Slightly scandalous; risqué. Ex. Our relationship is hot and spicy.

steamy - Hot, erotic. Ex. You are very steamy in the bedroom.

suave - Smoothly agreeable and courteous. Ex. He has a slick and suave personality.

suggestive - Tending to suggest, sexual. Ex. She exhibits suggestive sexual signs.

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