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发布时间:2010-08-09 13:08
    56:Depend on me! 看我的!
  57:Count me in! 算我一份!
  58:Don’t talk nonsense! 少说废话!
  59:Don’t butt in! 别打岔!
  60:It makes sense! 有道理!
  61:It’s all over! 大功告成!
  62:Maybe some other time! 改天吧!
  63:Leave me alone! 离我远点!
  64:It’s about time! 时间差不多了!
  65:Let’s make up! 讲和吧!
  66:Keep in touch! 保持联系!
  67:Something is wrong! 有点不对劲!
  68:Shame on you! 你太无耻了!
  69:Same old story! 又是那一套!
  70:That sounds reasonable! 听起来蛮有道理的!
  71:What a coincidence! 真巧!
  72:Dinner’s on me. 晚饭我请客。
  73:Let’s go for lunch, it’s my treat. 去吃午饭吧,我请客。
  74:Please excuse me for a minute. 失陪一会儿。
  75:Do you mind if I smoke? 我抽烟你介意吗?  76. Dig in, everyone! 动筷开吃!
  77:I don’t like to sponge. 我不想老蹭别人的东西。
  78:I hate owing people. 我不想欠别人的。
  79:I feel hot! 我感觉不错。
  80:I’m starving to death. 我快要饿死了。
  81:I could burst. 我吃得要撑死了!
  82:I can’t eat another bite. 我一口也吃不下去了。
  83:Everybody help yourselves. 大家请便吧。
  84:what’s on the menu? 有什么菜?
  85:what’s the daily special? 今天有什么特价菜?
  86:Let’s take a snack break. 让我们休息一下,吃点东西。
  87:Excuse me, but I know you from somewhere. 打扰一下,我好像在什么地方见过你。
  88:Hey, what’s going on? 嗨,怎么样?
  89:I can’t thank you enough. 怎样谢你都不过分。
  90:What’s eating you? 什么影响你的情绪呢?
  91:You must be mistaken.你一定搞错了。
  92:You blew it! 你办砸了。
  93:Nice work.干得好!
  94:Stop bugging me! 别烦我!
  95:Get outta my face! 别让我再见到你!
  96:Stop yapping! 别瞎扯了!
  97:Let’s go in shape. 我们去健身吧
  98:Think globally, act locally. 放眼全球,从自身做起。
  99:Keep your hands to yourself. 别动手动脚
  100:Hey, don’t try to rip me off. I know what this is worth. 别宰我,我识货。
  101:Give me a discount. 给我打个折吧。
  102:I wish I could beat this summer heat. 我真受不了夏日的酷暑。
  103:I’m stressed out. I need a vacation. 我筋疲力尽了,我要休假!
  104:Have a safe trip! 一路平安!
  105:Have a smooth flight! 一路顺风!
  106:Today has just been crazy. 今天都快忙疯了。
  107:He’s a real job jumper. 他老是跳槽。
  108:I feel sick as a dog. 我病得厉害。
  109:Will there be chicks at the party tonight? 今天晚会上有女孩吗?
  110:What’s the lowest you’re willing to go? 最低你能出多少价?
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