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2014 年托福写作考试趋势分析
发布时间:2014-01-12 20:31

2013 年是ETS 对托福考试实施全面改革的第7 个年头,纵览本年度独立写作的命题,不难发现,其仍然符合近几年ETS 的出题规律,预计该趋势在今后的几年内仍将持续。例如“Agree or Disagree”为独立写作的重点题型,具有代表性的话题种类则包括:1. 友谊交际类;2. 教育类;3. 科技类;4. 环保类;5. 经济类;6. 文化类;7. 个人成功类;8. 人生观、价值观;9. 社会生活类;10. 传媒类。

总体而言,2013 年独立写作的话题呈现生活化的特点,诸多题目与人们的日常生活息息相关,这表明ETS 并非提倡应试者对高深理论进行空洞之谈,而是更希望考生充分利用各种实例支撑论点,并在论证过程中全面展现其准确应用语言传达思想的能力。

2013 年出现频率较高的独立写作话题种类包括:

1. 教育类

2013 年6 月8 日题目:Some students prefer to have their final grades determined by numerous small assignments, whereas others prefer to have their final grades determined by only a few large ones. Which do you prefer and why?

2. 科技环保类

2013 年3 月22 日题目: Though modern agricultural practices damage the environment, feeding the world's growing population is more important than protecting against environmental damage.

2013 年3 月30 日题目: Despite the fact that many countries say they care about environmental problems, the environmental situation will not improve significantly in the future.

2013 年5 月18 日题目:Government should support scientific research even if the research does not have any practical use.

2013 年9 月8 日题目:To increase economic growth, the government should ignore the environmental concerns.

3. 社会生活类

2013 年3 月2 日题目:Our society today is so busy and crowded that people do not need to be polite to each other.

2013 年7 月13 日题目:People rely on their neighbors less now than in the past.

2013 年8 月15 日题目:It is less important to eat with families regularly nowadays.

4. 个人成功类

2013 年1 月13 日题目: It is important to make sure that others know about your strengths and accomplishments; if you are not so, you will be never successful in life.

因此,对于历年出现频率较高的热点话题,建议考生予以足够的重视。根据对2013 年中国考生在备战托福写作的普遍情况,考生面临的问题如下:

1. 如何在极其有限的时间内提高写作水平并获得高分?

2. 如何用英语语言准确传达自己的思想?

3. 如何科学且高效地使用各种备考资料?

4. 如何在考场上合理地分配时间?

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