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双语:IT男福音 奶茶妹妹章泽天进入微软实习
发布时间:2014-04-08 10:39


双语:IT男福音 奶茶妹妹章泽天进入微软实习

微软内部一员工证实,网络红人奶茶妹妹章泽天,已于4月1日正式加入微软Bing搜索技术中心市场团队实习,实习期将持续至今年11月,主要涉及C*、Social A*、必应搜索和微软商店项目。


Welcome Zetian Zhang to STC MKT team


Hi All,


I would like to introduce and welcome STC’s first brand intern Zetian Zhang(章泽天) to STC and Microsoft. This is a special project which started from this year. Actually, our intern has already started her work since yesterday and will last till November (through Lync Meeting. On-site after she finish the study in US). I didn’t send out this email because yesterday is April 1. During her internship ,Zetian will be attending to C*,Social A*, Bing Search and Microsoft Store projects. In the meantime, as an experienced young opinion leader of the new generation around China and overseas, I believe she will bring more fresh senses and creative ideas to our teams. I would like to say thanks to our HR team as well.

我非常荣幸的向大家介绍和欢迎搜索技术中心的第一个品牌部门实习生章泽天来到微软。搜索技术中心品牌营销是一个今年开始的特别项目。事实上,我们的这位实习生已经在昨天就开始了她的工作,该工作会持续到今年11月(工作会通过线上Lync会议直至她完成在美国的学业)。在她实习期间,泽天会致力于C*、Social A*、必应搜索和微软商店项目。同时,作为海内外一位经验丰富的新生代青年意见领袖,我相信,她会给我们的团队带来更多新鲜的感觉和创意。我也非常感谢我们的人力部门。

In Zetian’s own words:


My Chinese name is 章泽天. I am a junior at Tsinghua University currently studying abroad as an exchange student at Columbia University. That being said, I realize my absence may have been inconvenient. I apologize for any in conveniences and will make sure to meet with all of you in person upon my return home. I am extremely honored to be given this opportunity to work with Microsoft. I am excited to be a part of one of the world’s most valuable companies.


The booming Internet industry is posing a huge challenge to Microsoft. That’s why our STCA Brand Marketing team, in particular, is essential-in spreading awareness of Microsoft’s current state. Though I don’t have much experience, Iam ready to take on this challenge and study harder to catch up with you. Adventure awaits, let’s get started!


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