Tell good stories, ask good questions, be a closer. Here’s only one most important thing to remember: when it comes to discussing your potential salary, never give the number first. 讲好故事,问好问题,显得亲近些。有最重要的一点要记住:当讨论涉及你想要的薪酬水平,绝不要首先给出数字。 So here’s a list of responses for all the ways the interviewer will ask you how much money you expect to make. The more times you can fend off the question, the less likely you will have to be the one to give the first number. This works, even if you don’t have the upper hand and you really need the job. 这有一份关于面试官以各种方式问你想要多少钱的问题的回答。你越是能避开这个问题,那你就越不可能成为首先给出数字的人。这方法挺管用,即使你不处于优势,并且你确实需要这份工作。 What salary range are you looking for? 你期望的工资范围是多少? “Let’s talk about the job requirements and expectations first, so I can get a sense of what you need.” That’s a soft answer to a soft way to ask the question. “让我们先谈工作要求和期望吧,那我就能了解你需要什么。” 这是对温和提问的一种温和回答。 What did you make at your last job? 上份工作你赚多少? “This position is not exactly the same as my last job. So let’s discuss what my responsibilities would be here and then determine a fair salary for this job.” It’s hard to argue with words like “fair” and “responsibilities”—you’re earning respect with this one. “这份工作和我上份工作不太一样。因此让我们讨论一下我在这儿的责任,然后再决定这个工作的公平报酬。”像“公平”和“责任”这样的字眼没有什么可挑剔的——你这么说会赢得对方的尊重。 What are you expecting to make in terms of salary? 薪水方面你想要多少? “I am interested in finding a job that is a good fit for me. I’m sure whatever salary you’re paying is consistent with the rest of the market.” In other words, I respect myself and I want to think I can respect this company. “我感兴趣的是找到一份适合我的工作。我敢肯定你们的薪水一定和市面上其他公司基本一致。”换句话说,我很尊重自己,并且我认为我也可以尊重这家公司。 I need to know what salary you want in order to make you an offer. Can you tell me a range? 我想知道如果你得到这份工作你想要的薪水是多少。你能告诉我一个大体范围吗? “I’d appreciate it if you could make me an offer based on whatever you have budgeted for this position and we can go from there.” This is a pretty direct response, so using words like “appreciate” focuses on drawing out the interviewer’s better qualities instead of her tougher side. “如果我得到这份工作无论你提供的薪水是多少我都很感激,并且我们可以从那个水平开始。”这是十分直接的反应,因此用“感激”这样的词可以引出面试官更温和亲切的一面而非顽固的一面。 Why don’t you want to give your salary requirements? 你为什么不告诉我你想要多少薪水呢? “I think you have a good idea of what this position is worth to your company, and that’s important information for me to know.” Enough dancing–this is one last attempt to force you to give the number first. Hold your line here and you win. “我认为你知道对公司而言这个职位值多少钱,对我而言知道这点是很重要的信息。”过招够多了——这是最后一次迫使你先说出薪水数字。坚持底线,你就赢了。 |
[发布者:yezi] | ||
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