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发布时间:2014-07-29 11:07

[摘要]手机经常没电,你还在用“out of power”来表达吗?其实,手机没电还有更地道的英语表达,快来看看Larry和李华的对话吧,让我们一起学习“手机没电”新的表达方式。


Larry和李华正在电影院外面等朋友。电影都快开场了,可是朋友还没到。Larry 决定用手机给这个朋友打电话。

LL: Darn! My cell phone is out of juice. Can I use your cell phone to call Bob and Lisa and find out why they're late?

LH: 你的手机怎么啦?Out of juice, juice是果汁。哎噢!该不是你的电话掉到果汁里啦?难怪不能用啦!

LL: No, my cell phone is out of juice. "Juice" is slang for "power". I meant that the battery in my phone is out of power.

LH: 噢,原来juice在这里是指电池里的电啊!所以out of juice就是没电的意思。既然你的手机没电了,你可以用我的,我昨晚才充过电,so it has plenty of juice.

LL: That's fortunate. At least one of us has a functioning phone.

LH: 对了,Larry你前些天不是说你的车有毛病吗?现在怎样啦?

LL: Yes, my car wouldn't start because the battery was out of juice. I had to go to the mechanic and get a new battery.

LH: 原来是车子里的电池也没电啦!看来这juice还真少不了,否则什么也干不了。昨天,我的激光唱机没有电。噢,没有juice了,偏偏我又找不到电池,害得我什么也听不了。

LL: Yeah, I hate it when that happens, too. The other day, I was in the middle of typing a report on my laptop, when the battery ran out of juice. I almost lost the whole report.

LH: 哇,你可得特别小心电脑的电池呢。如果电脑没电了,你输入的报告还有档案都可能会泡汤。那可就严重了!

LL: I know! I've had some awful experiences with that. Fortunately, now computer companies are making laptops with batteries that hold more juice.

LH: 就是,现在的电脑用的都是容量比较大的电池,所以打到一半没电的情况比较少了。Larry, 你还是快点儿给他们打电话吧!电影很快就要开始了。

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