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发布时间:2015-11-02 12:45

[摘要]韩国首都首尔近日选用了一个新的宣传标语,以在国际上推广该城市。但这个新标语却令有的人一头雾水。新标语将取代现在的“Hi Seoul”(你好,首尔),用于在全世界推广首尔市。


South Korea's capital, Seoul, has chosen a new slogan to promote the city internationally, but it has left some people confused.


"I.Seoul.U" triumphed in a vote held in the city on Wednesday, beating two other options: "Seoulmate" and "Seouling", the Korea Times reports. A panel of nine experts, including two professors, and more than 1,000 members of the general public took part in the final selection. The slogan will be used to promote the city around the world, and replaces the current "Hi Seoul". According to the paper, the project cost in the region of 500 million won.

据《韩国时报》(the Korea Times)报道,首尔10月28日进行了投票,“I.Seoul.U”(我和你的首尔)打败竞争对手“Seoulmate”(我的朋友首尔,音同soulmate)和“Seouling”(首尔进行式),当选新的首尔市宣传标语。参与最终投票的有包括两名教授在内的九名专家组成员以及1000多名市民。新标语将取代现在的“Hi Seoul”(你好,首尔),用于在全世界推广首尔市。据报道,此次项目耗资约5亿韩元(约合280万元人民币)。

Even before the vote, many people raised concerns that "I.Seoul.U" doesn't make much sense in English, and that none of the finalists inspired interest in the city. Now that the slogan is official the mockery has increased, with social media users posting parodies online, the Korea Herald reports.


On the city government's Facebook page thousands of users have "liked" posts about the new branding, and plenty welcome it as a "great choice". But many aren't happy, with some calling it "Konglish" - the Korean practice of adopting English words in a way that English speakers often cannot understand. "They were all rubbish but at least Seoulmate actually made sense," writes one user. "Terrible choice. I was in Seoul this year and this makes me feel nothing of what I felt when I visited," another person says.


Previous slogans have included "Infinitely yours, Seoul", which apparently expressed the city's "infinite capacity for development", and the potentially risky "Seoul, My...", which left a gap for people to fill as they saw fit.

此前首尔的城市宣传标语还有“Infinitely yours, Seoul”(无穷乐趣,尽在首尔),它貌似表达了首尔“发展的无限潜力”。此外,还有稍显冒险的标语“Seoul,My……”(首尔,我的……),通过留白每个人都可以填入自己满意的答案。



in the region of:(数字)在…左右,大约


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